Why a tiger?
Wait, are there tigers in Montana?
Should I be worried?
Also, is the chapel haunted?
Asking for a friend.
All great questions. Shèn is a Chinese word meaning “spirit.” Originally, Chinese medicine was the primary modality practiced at SHÈN – and given its location in an old chapel – a word to indicate “spirit” combined those two sentiments perfectly. But there was something else happening here—strength, the strength to heal and to change and to grow. The image of a tiger – truly strength in motion – found its home here. And now here we are; an old church, a tiger, and the combined spirit of our badass healers.
There may not be tigers in these mountains, and the chapel may not be haunted, but there is spirit here. A spirit – combined with the strength of this healing community – set in an old church in a way that almost feels like, well, magic. STRENGTH. HEALING. MAGIC. (and tigers)
About our location at the White Chapel
The chapel was actually the first Catholic church in Bozeman. Built in 1886, it was originally on the corner of North 7th Ave. and Mendenhall. By the early 1960s however, it was set to be torn down. When Marguerite Kirk learned of the church’s impending demolition, she literally stood between the bulldozer and the chapel. How’s that for strength and spirit! Thankfully, she succeeded – and in just a few days, she had the church moved to its permanent and current location. We dedicate this space to you, Marguerite!